Contact: Boris Hilario Oxley Buzo
Trader responsible for the market of Argentina, Peru, Bolivia and Chile
Mobile phone: +55 (48) 99616-4225
E-mail: boris.buzo@intelbras.com.br
Contact: Everson Marcos Kollross
Trader responsible for the market of Paraguay, Venezuela, México, Central America, Angola and Mozambique
Mobile phone: +55 (47) 99643-5537
E-mail: everson.kollross@intelbras.com.br
Contact: Felipe Campos Jahn
Trader responsible for the market of Colombia, Ecuador and Egypt
Mobile phone: +55 (48) 99991-0315
E-mail: felipe.jahn@intelbras.com.br
Contact: Gizelli Alini da Cruz
Trader responsible for the market of Uruguay
Mobile phone: +598 94 973 038
E-mail: gizelli.cruz@intelbras.com.br